Set on a remote Pacific island, covered in rain forest and dominated by an active volcano, this heartfelt story, enacted by the Yakel tribe, tells of a sister's loyalty, a forbidden love affair and the pact between the old ways and the new.
On a remote island in the South Pacific, Wawa, a young girl from one of the last traditional tribes, falls in love with her chief's grandson, Dain. When an intertribal war escalates, Wawa, who is considered to have just become a young woman, is offered up as a bride to another man as part of a peace deal. The young lovers run away, but are pursued by enemy warriors intent on killing them. They must choose between their hearts and the future of the tribe, while the villagers must wrestle with preserving their traditional culture and adapting it to the increasing outside demands for individual freedom. Based on a true story and performed by the people of Yakel in Vanuatu.